Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hey guys,

I know I've been running this blog sporadically for awhile and wanted to use it to get the word out about an event. Few of you know that I actually work in medical oncology research. I often come home from work and try and figure out how I can help fight this terrible disease. A few months ago I was approached by the director of Clash for the Cure and the two things clicked together for me. I decided to donate to the cause by painting some miniatures for their raffle.

I've really wanted to paint some Cryx recently so I decided to paint up a Cryx battle box for their miniature raffle. So without further ado I've finished my first model from the box, a Deathripper bonejack.

I encourage anyone interested in helping to get involved and check out the website linked above. Even if you would just like to donate the information is available on the website. It sounds like it will be a great time, and it's for a great cause!


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