Friday, July 30, 2010

Hey guys! So I've been toying around with lists and I decided I wanted to go with "Panzer Grenadier" type army. Basically the idea is to have a bunch of heavy tanks (AV 14) backed up by mechanized infantry and support elements.
So without further ado here is the list. Feedback is appreciated. I'm going for a fluff meets competitive list here with neither dominating.

1500 Pts  -   Imperial Guard Army

4 Company Command Squad (HQ) @ 255 Pts
     Close Combat Weapon; Lasguns; Plasma Gun (x3); Frag Grenades; Flak Armour;

     1 Company Commander @ [27] Pts
          Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Melta Bombs; Flak
          Armour; Refractor Field; Senior Officer

     1 Astropath @ [30] Pts
          Laspistol and CCW; Frag Grenades; Flak Armour; Telepathic Relay

     1 Officer of the Fleet @ [30] Pts
          Laspistol and CCW; Frag Grenades; Flak Armour; Intercept Reserves

     1 Chimera @ [65] Pts
          Multi-Laser; Hull Heavy Bolter
          #Smoke Launchers [0]
          #Searchlight [0]
          Dozer Blade [10]

7 Veteran Squad (Troops) @ 195 Pts
     Close Combat Weapon; Lasgun (x4); Heavy Flamer; Meltagun (x2); Frag
     Grenades; Krak Grenades; Flak Armour

     1 Veteran Weapons Team @ [34] Pts
          Lascannon; Krak Grenades

     1 Veteran Sergeant @ [7] Pts
          Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Flak

     1 Chimera @ [65] Pts
          Multi-Laser; Hull Heavy Flamer
          #Smoke Launchers [0]
          #Searchlight [0]
          Dozer Blade [10]

7 Veteran Squad (Troops) @ 195 Pts
     Close Combat Weapon; Lasgun (x4); Heavy Flamer; Meltagun (x2); Frag
     Grenades; Krak Grenades; Flak Armour

     1 Veteran Weapons Team @ [34] Pts
          Lascannon; Krak Grenades

     1 Veteran Sergeant @ [7] Pts
          Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Flak

     1 Chimera @ [65] Pts
          Multi-Laser; Hull Heavy Flamer
          #Smoke Launchers [0]
          #Searchlight [0]
          Dozer Blade [10]

7 Veteran Squad (Troops) @ 195 Pts
     Close Combat Weapon; Lasgun (x4); Heavy Flamer; Meltagun (x2); Frag
     Grenades; Krak Grenades; Flak Armour

     1 Veteran Weapons Team @ [34] Pts
          Lascannon; Krak Grenades

     1 Veteran Sergeant @ [7] Pts
          Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Flak

     1 Chimera @ [65] Pts
          Multi-Laser; Hull Heavy Flamer
          #Smoke Launchers [0]
          #Searchlight [0]
          Dozer Blade [10]

1 Leman Russ Demolisher (Heavy Support) @ 190 Pts
     Demolisher Siege Cannon; Hull Heavy Flamer
     #Searchlight [0]
     #Smoke Launchers [0]
     Dozer Blade [10]
     Extra Armour [15]

1 Leman Russ Battle Tank (Heavy Support) @ 320 Pts
     Battle Cannon; Hull Heavy Flamer
     #Searchlight [0]
     #Smoke Launchers [0]
     Dozer Blade [10]

     1 Leman Russ Battle Tank #1 @ [160] Pts
          Battle Cannon; Hull Heavy Flamer
          #Searchlight [0]
          #Smoke Launchers [0]
          Dozer Blade [10]

1 Griffon (Heavy Support) @ 150 Pts
     Griffon Heavy Mortar; Hull Heavy Flamer; Accurate Bombardment
     #Searchlight [0]
     #Smoke Launchers [0]

     1 Griffon #1 @ [75] Pts
          Griffon Heavy Mortar; Hull Heavy Flamer; Accurate Bombardment
          #Searchlight [0]
          #Smoke Launchers [0]

Models in Army: 43

Total Army Cost: 1500

Currently I have the Griffins in the list for "self propelled artillery". If I find they are struggling I'll be swapping them out for either another LR variant or a Medusa. Other than that I felt it was a fairly good fluff meets competition list. The mechanized veterans I feel fits very well with the "highly trained infantry" that used to be deployed with the Panzer divisions.

As for the the list size my friends and I are going to be running 1500 points for awhile and see how it feels compared to 2000. It's also an attempt at getting all of our armies painted before we "reward" ourselves with 2000 point games. Anywho, lemmy know what you think of the list, I'm open to suggestions!


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