Hey Guys, just finished up my first Warcaster for Menoth and I wanted to post him up!
I've been debating with ways to challange myself as a painter and step outside my comfort zone. I decided to give non-metallic metal painting a go, as well as some object source lighting. I used the artwork in the new Forces of Menoth book for Kreoss as inspiration for my forces basic schemes. I'll be posting a much more indepth description of the techniques used.
On another note, I've been debating for awhile what to do with my blog as I drift more and more away from Games Workshop and fully embrace Privateer Press and Warmahordes. As such I've decided that I will be launching a blog soley dedicated to those two games. Keep an eye out for a link as I'll be shamelessly promoting it once I get it finished and ready to launch ;) Oh, here's Kreoss!
~ So there you have it! Keep an eye out for the new blog over the new couple weeks, totally reloaded and revamped for some Warmachine craziness.