Friday, November 19, 2010
Hey guys, the time has come for me to part with my Khador. I'm moving on from the hobby and just wanted to give anyone a heads up that follows my blog that the auction ends tonight. Here is a direct link.
Festus' Khador Auction
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Legion of Everblight: 15 Points Finished!
3 Comments Posted by Col.Festus at Sunday, October 31, 2010Labels: Hordes, Legion of Everblight, Painting
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Hey guys, I just finished up some tables the other day at the local gaming shop and wanted to show off some pix.
Labels: Terrain
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Labels: master class, Painting, Protectorate of Menoth, Warmachine
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Master Class Showcase: Kreoss and Some News!
4 Comments Posted by Col.Festus at Thursday, September 30, 2010Labels: master class, Protectorate of Menoth, Warmachine
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Warmachine: My 35 point Butcher of Khardov list
4 Comments Posted by Col.Festus at Thursday, August 26, 2010Hey Guys, so I've been playing my Khador for about 6 months now and have fine tuned most of my lists. I'd like to share the lists I've been using and the success I've had with them recently.
Labels: Army List, Khador, Warmachine
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Warjack-Warbeast BOLS Competition Entry: Beast 09
3 Comments Posted by Col.Festus at Wednesday, August 18, 2010![]() |
Unleash the Beast! |
With the competition deadline coming to a close I finished my entry for the Warjack-Warbeast BOLS Painting Competition. I wanted to share it all with you guys and ask you to vote for me! ;)
Labels: Khador, Painting, Warmachine
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hey guys, just finished up some Autocannon teams. Just wanted to share a few pics with you. The shell casings are tube beads from Michael's Craft Store. I simply applied them to the bases like I would static grass. Feedback is appreciated!
~ Starting work on Infantry Squad 2 tomorrow night. I have to finish up a commission piece for the local game store.. with the credit the owner is paying me I'm planning on picking up 3 or 4 Chimeras. Keep an eye out for the Krieg weathering techinques to be applied to the Cadian tanks! As always if you have any questions feel free to drop me a line at
Labels: Cadian, Imperial Guard, Painting
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Hey guys, just finished up my first platoon command squad. Figured I'd share the finished result with you! I plan on running these guys in a chimera. I have a few commission pieces to finish this week and then with the cash I'll be buying this squad and a few other some wheels... or should I say treads. Anyway keep an eye out for more updates!
Labels: 40k, Imperial Guard, Painting
Friday, July 30, 2010
Hey guys! So I've been toying around with lists and I decided I wanted to go with "Panzer Grenadier" type army. Basically the idea is to have a bunch of heavy tanks (AV 14) backed up by mechanized infantry and support elements.
Labels: 40k, Army List, Imperial Guard
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Hey guys, I just finished up the first squad and took a few pics. I'll take some more formal stuff and include a tutorial hopefully later this week.
Labels: 40k, Imperial Guard, Painting
Monday, July 26, 2010
Hey Guys, I know it's been awhile since my last update... life's been quite busy as of late. Any who I got some time again and I want to introduce a project that I will be working on for the foreseeable future. The Cadian 501st Shock Trooper Regiment.
Labels: 40k, Cadian, Imperial Guard
Monday, June 28, 2010
Hey Guys, this morning I wanted to talk a bit about the release of 8th and the overhaul that Warhammer: Fantasy Battles is getting.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hordes News: New Trollblood Warlock spotted!
2 Comments Posted by Col.Festus at Tuesday, June 22, 2010Labels: Hordes, Rumors, Trollbloods
Friday, June 18, 2010
Warmachine Hobby: Painting Retribution of Scyrah Myrmidons
8 Comments Posted by Col.Festus at Friday, June 18, 2010Friday, May 28, 2010
One Shot, One Kill: The Widowmaker Marksmen
The Widowmaker Marksmen
Just like his less experienced brothers (and sisters) the Widowmaker Marksmen is a sharpshooter with high RAT, however he brings a POW 12 weapon to the party that will keep solos and UA's on their toes. I think he a ton of applications that don't immediately jump out, most of them become more apparent as you team him up with other parts of your army (more on this later!).
Stats, abilities
The biggest thing that stands out on the marksmen is his exceptional RAT. It's one point higher than our already accurate Widowmakers. He will hit most things and can stay on the move while doing it. Even high defensive models will sweat it out when he stands still for an aiming bonus. He also brings 5 damage boxes to the table, which can be nice is AOE's are heading his way. Also of note his his speed. When paired with Swift Hunter he can be quite mobile.
Speaking of Swift Hunter, as long as other Widowmakers will gain this ability when in his control area. This effectively makes their threat range 16" as they can shoot and back up (if they kill something of course). One big benefit of the marksmen is his stealth ability. With his extremely long range weapon he can remain fairly safe as long as AOEs aren't thrown his way. Even then the change of rolling a 1 on the scatter is low and if they are throwing AOE's at him, then something else in your army isn't taking the hit. Seeing as Khador has many more immediate threats in their army this problem usually doesn't come up much.
Finally I will touch on sniper very quickly. He has the ability to choose where he puts his damage on warjacks and warbeasts, or can simply deal 1 point of damage (which he can also chose where it goes). At first this doesn't seem like much, but he can reliably damage light jacks, especially arc nodes (I'm looking at you Cryx) and when teamed with Widowmakers they have a great shot at knocking out crucial boxes.
Just like Widowmakers he also comes with Advance Deploy. I typically use this to simply place him last rather than in front of my army. This makes sure hes in the right place to take out his targets.
Widowmakers - This is a fairly obvious choice as he grants them Swift Hunter when in his command range. As well as giving them swift hunter it can be another auto damage point to jacks or solos that require that magical 5 damage to bring down.
Matching him up with any of the above is awesome and is almost always in any army I built. When you hit a heavy jack with one of the above you are usually a few boxes away from taking out systems. The widowmaker with his PS 12 gun on average can do a few points of damage to a heavy, and a moderate amount to a light. This will often be enough to cripple systems. A great boon and something the enemy usually won't see coming. I personal field a "detachment" of a `Jack Marshaled Destroyer with widowmakers + marksmen backing them up. I run them on the opposite side of the field and chew away at flanking units/jacks/solos. The Destroyer with power booster and `Jack Marshal can fire a boosted to hit and damage shell every round followed by the hail of 1 point damage can really cause headaches to an opponents jacks.
He is actually a great solo to throw Fire for Effect on. His ability to choose where he damages can mean some pretty crippling shots on warjacks. Solos will also run for the hills. He can also hide with other infantry and shoot through them taking out key solos, just be wary of AOE's getting throw their way, or arc lightning.
Similar to eIrusk but for one round he can help lay on some crucial damage during the feat turn.
Everyone benefits from Signs and Portents, the widowmaker marksmen is no exception, especially with the sniper ability.
Inhospitable Ground is awesome and greatly increases his survivability as enemies trying to run to engage him will find themselves short staring down the barrel of his gun.
Lady Aiyanna and Master Holt
These guys greatly increase the hitting power of the Marksmen. If they can Harm a unit hes targeting its almost like having boosted damage rolls against them. Very handy especially with the Destroyer/Widowmaker combo I mentioned earlier.
~ I love the marksmen. Where as the Manhunter can be sort of a one time missile, the Widowmaker Marksmen can keep laying on the pain in crucial areas from the safety of 14 inches away. I almost use him with any caster I play as I can always find a use for him. Lately I've even been taking him over the Manhunter and it's been working out very well. I hope this helps anyone thinking about using him! Feel free to add your own thoughts and ideas!
Labels: Khador, Tactica, Warmachine
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Hey Guys `n Gals, I just finished up my test mini for my Protectorate army. I thought I would discuss a little what went into his creation.
Labels: Painting, Protectorate of Menoth, tutorial, Warmachine
Friday, May 14, 2010
Forum Find: Magnetizing the Protectorate of Menoth Plastic Jack Kit
3 Comments Posted by Col.Festus at Friday, May 14, 2010So I was browsing the boards over at Privateer Press and I came across this lovely tutorial by Plarzoid.
Labels: Protectorate of Menoth, tutorial, Warmachine
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Forces of Warmachine: The Protectorate of Menoth Released - 2nd Faction Decided!
2 Comments Posted by Col.Festus at Saturday, May 01, 2010Labels: Army List, Protectorate of Menoth, Warmachine
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hey guys, being an avid user of Chestnut Ink from GW I was crestfallen when they discontinued it... however I have found a better replacement!
Labels: Painting
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Labels: Khador, Painting, Warmachine
Thursday, April 1, 2010
So with my pButcher Khador list just about done I've been looking to start a 2nd list with a new faction, a certain gunslinger has caught my eyes...
Labels: Cygnar, Warmachine
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
So I wrote an overview of the Butcher earlier in the week. I wanted to complete the review with some synergy with `jacks and unit/solos.
Labels: Khador, Tactica, Warmachine
Monday, March 29, 2010
Here to give you a review on the custom dice ordering process from Chessex so your army can roll in style... pun intended!
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Labels: Khador, Tactica, Warmachine
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Labels: Khador, Painting, Warmachine
Monday, March 15, 2010
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I wanted to do a little write up detailing my thoughts on Warmachine MKII one month in for anyone else debating on taking the plunge.
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Monday, March 8, 2010
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Warmachine Tactica: High Executioner Servath Reznik
2 Comments Posted by Col.Festus at Monday, March 08, 2010Labels: Protectorate of Menoth, Warmachine
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Labels: Khador, Rumors, Warmachine
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Alrighty guys just finished painting my first Warcaster for Khador and I felt like showing him off ;) I present the Butcher of Khardov!
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Friday, February 26, 2010
Hey guys, two days down two jacks down! I'm really trying to crank through these for the weekly gaming day Wednesday.
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hey guys! Quick post tonight to show off the first of my Khador units. I picked up a battle box last night and wanted to get painting pretty quick. I tried to capture the sheer brutality of Khador with this paint job. I used some of the techniques from the Forgeworld Master Class book to help add some realism to the model. Anywho.. heres some pics!
Labels: Khador, Warmachine
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Labels: 40k, Death Korps of Krieg, Imperial Guard, Painting, tutorial
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Hey guys, I started in on my Demolisher last night. I'm documenting it for my next Master Class article. Keep an eye out for it next week sometime. Here is a little teaser shot to wet your appetites!
Labels: 40k, Airbrush, Death Korps of Krieg, Imperial Guard, master class, Painting